Gamejam's/Event's in The Five Night's at Freddy's Scratch Community

Post Play Share Fun! ⬇

Starting a event of fan-arts of Siena's Pets!

I'm starting a Minecraft smp for fnaf scratch creators! add derpergamedev_97528 on discord to join!

I go make a game jam so you have to make a game on scratch and put it on GameJolt. it will start on 3/1/2024 and end on 3/30/2024 so you have some time just add #Scratch_Game_Jam here so I will know. just all bye

#spawnday #Bizelito #Imbeingreplacedbyanevilrobot

- This is my spawn day and I'm sooooo excited to turn 2 years old I can finally stop wearing pampers

[or maybe not, maybe I can just learn how to say "mommy"]

[I am literally doing nothing for this idrc]

i need voice acting in fwak and this

I wonder what could be in there?

Thanks @Daze-378 for having me.

I am Going To Do A GameJam


Hey kids It's me, Bizelito, and I know I haven't been online much at all but I'd like to wish you all a new 20-whatever it's gonna be.

I thought I could check on in and give some info and shoutouts before I go back to my *grind*