Let's Play's in The Five Night's at Freddy's Scratch Community

See You Soon,

Playing (Welcome To Gabe's: First Aniversary) Endless Mode. (I Died 2 Times At This)
Another video of @Rykan beating this time the ''Husband and Wife'' challenge!

I beated the whole FNAC series (kinda)
Here each vid:
@Rykan 's Aneurysm Max mode completion video!
Probably the 1st Victor!


Things are gonna get heavy. I'm streaming Five Nights at Caseohs! Join us for this very silly stream!
Я хотел спросить у вас. Есть ли программисты на клик тим или на другой движок среди нашей аудитории. Если есть я хотел бы вас попросить о помощи. Так как мы уже очень долгое время не можем найти программиста для нашей игры. Заранее спасибо.
I wanted to ask you. Are there programmers for click team or for another engine among our audience. If there is, I would like to ask you for help. Since we haven't been able to find a programmer for our game for a very long time. Thank you in advance.