G E N E R A L in Untitled funniguy community :P

Funniguy :]

Hello everyone!!
You know that chase theme i made for my oc like 2 weeks ago?
Well, it fucking shucked.
So I decided to redo it :)
Here it is, yall give feedback on it because I'm still kinda new and it would be appreciated :)

Холодно но тотально пофиг зато красиво:)
It's cold but I don't care, but it's beautiful:)

Fun fact: Milly has a device on her wrist that dispenses really radioactive bullets,
And it basically kills you no matter what :P

I'm starting to realize
i dont actually know how to write anything, Letalone a comic :/

хз что делать так что держите Фоко
I don't know what to do so here's the foxo's