G E N E R A L in Untitled funniguy community :P
Funniguy :]
The first ever funniguy comic!
"dang, i spilled the milk again."
its just milk.
nothing to see here.
keep scrolling.
aggie.io doodle session!
"i thought i was supposed to make turtle legs :("
since i didnt do anything for vs fd's birthday
ill make something soon
probably before the week is up :D
I lost all of the vs fd files.
All of them.
Theyre all gone.
And worst part,
today is the 1 year anniversary of vs fd.
and even worst part,
im not even joking :(
what came first?
the color orange or the fruit orange?
Since the songs in vs fd right now are actual dogfire..
Im remaking all the tracks from scratch!
This is mostly so i can have a excuse on why its taking so long!
ight, thats all