Fan content in Fairy Kingdom of King Froggold II

Post something on the FKoKFII subject

**Пять Ночей с Фрогги: Сказки Забыты...** - Моя фан игра по ПНсФ которую я делал **1 год**. Наконец я доделал одну четвёртую этой игры и хочу показать эту часть **вам**

Ссылка на игру:

Five nights with froggy cartoons versión




When I first saw the Philosopher I could SWEAR he wore something on his head, like a plastic bag or a gallon of water

It's a me, Froggy!


Burnt Froggy PNG's

Логотип пять ночей с Фрогги 5

Logotype of five nights with froggy 5

Remade this because part of the head were cropped wrong and a floor piece was on the torso and right arm

I got my first character idea, Burnt Froggy, But I'm trying to know what he looks like

Comment what Burnt froggy would look like