Cool Games And Advertisements in FNAA/TDHIAP: OFFICIAL Community

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Five Nights at Andersons’s 2: Rewritten


I’m bored so I opened up a QNA

You can ask about the characters, lore, and game.

This will close at July 18

EDIT: Don’t ask off topic questions, in a second result, the comment will be deleted.

Thanks for 100 Followers! It appreciated me and for all the people who’ve been in Gamejolt long enough, since I got 100 Followers, I’ll tell y’all updates:


First look at the gameplay!

Made night 6 easier, now if you flash the flashlight in the wraiths, they go away. (except wraith jr you'll still need to click on them) i also fixed all the characters too

#TDHIAD #TheseDarkHoursInADiner

a new game

Peice out, folks.

Size Update:

The games size is now 345 MB (Almost the same size as FNaA 1).

Should be good enough to play now.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy the game.


check out these cool gameplays people made:

you could make your own too i guess.

THDIAD (1st part)
You asked me and I did (only the 1st part). I felt like I didn't even get to play this game. this is an appeal to this guy who invited me to play a long time...

I play this Game But wow check this intro


Lude Adventures Game play part 2