general in Five Nights At Freddy's Fan Community

Yo, some of Radiance Team made amazing image of character
Look at them

Five Nights At Freddy's: Web Edition
Here is a video of the Camera gameplay.
Every Camera is now currently Working* and progress is going smoothly!
Make Sure To Follow the game to stay Updated!

Camera Showcase
Here are what the cameras will look like in FNAF: Web Edition.
Camera Video Showcase Coming Soon!

Devlog #26:
Animatronic stun mechanic (WIP)
#fnaf #fivenightsatfreddys #fnaf1 #fnaf2 #fnaf3 #fnaf4 #fnafsb #MostHyped #freddyfazbear #fangame #fnaffangame #fangamefnaf

Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach Personagens do Glamrock Animatronics

The trailer has finished its premiere.
v1.1.0 "Together Again" Update releases Feb. 28th!

tomorrow is another day...
Lookie what we got here...
Cube's Dark Hours 3 | v1.1.0 "Together Again" Release Date Trailer premieres in 1 hour!

And today it's happy 7th anniversary to Dormitabis it is turned 7 now but this anniversaries was abandoned because nicchi was being exposed

Cube's Dark Hours 3 v1.1.0 "Together Again" Update trailer will release in about 3 hours from now