general in Five Nights At Freddy's Plus

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FredTime Plus and @LatDog is back!💀☠️

((It means that now latdog is working on the FredTime Plus game and it has not been canceled))

We're approaching 200 followers on the game! I plan on revealing one of the new jumpscares, and you guys can choose who you want it to be!

also follow to help us reach our goal ;)

Who's Jumpscare should be revealed at 200 followers?

  25 votes Voting finished

What game should i port to android?

Which of these has the best design in fnaf plus?

  125 votes Voting finished

I found a new fnaf plus game called

Five Nights at Freddy's Reloaded which you can follow and the game PROJECT: Plus is still in development and is on another channel and you can find the link to these two games in my playlist

fnaf reboot edition features a new door mechanic where if we don't open the door, the door's power will run out, making the game more difficult.


MR.BOOMBASTIC showcased the zooming mechanic. According to Phisnom, this mechanic was supposed to be in the original FNAF Plus, which is why this mechanic was added to FNAF Reboot Edition.


(Sorry I'm late in announcing this.)

Sneak Peak:

Bonnie and Freddy in the Arcade and a preview of the new (and improved) monitor UI

What's the matter?