Gameplay in The Unofficial Five Nights at Sonic's Community

Do you like FNaS? I do!


new game

not getting worked on again (coding wise) until i finish fnai or any other game i own

so this is ending of a demo of a SPS R: Facility Fears


playing roblox with the latinos xdd

some of these photos was with

@Indigo-bliet and @Nightmare_Funtime_Tails

and other randoms XD


lil' bro got straight to the point

So here final 6 that's all what you will got in game

So this is first 6 border that will be avaliable after one is apper afte dowloand game others will be unlocked after night 5 ,6 a hammer heartbreak w night 8 and after getting record more or same as 50,000 points

so i BEAT A 100% OF A FNAS 2 2.0 SO NOW I KING OF FIVE NIGHT'S AT SONIC'S 2 2.0!!!! @ShadedAkumu this game was cool so i beat a whole game execpt night in real time because why is not give you something just a night at all so also i will show all border's

So in night 1 i got a calendar in second night when i was want a got that easter egg again i got phantom cyan or ian for old fnas fan's so him apper in my office jumpscare me and this window pop-up is really rare

So basically i was in main menu and i clicking random and got this one maybe is like a reward after beating endless mode or a Ballon Toad that crash your game easter egg i don't khow so if you see this @ShadedAkumu just tell me like what is this border?