Theories in The Unofficial Five Nights at Sonic's Community

Do you like FNaS? I do!

15 Golden Sonic In Camera 7 (FNaS 5 Report Plus+)

Shadow sonic (FNaS Returned)

Clone Tails (FNaS Returned)

Speed paint later today I make all of fnas 3
i think that Golden Sonic...
is Origin sonic...

two head cannons,
1. the Companies in the Series Produce the Gear the Clones wear, and some Gear comes out off-colored.
2. Golden wears those off-color failures until he becomes too melty to wear them without ruining them instantly,

Oops Tails got something did you think about that I was Sonic Max, looks like Mario Tails got a wrong one of Max best friend

I don't like the donut lord Pony I hate him I really hate him because He's my worst enemy helping Sonic the hedgehog