Do you like FNaS? I do!

the Fnas Re-Paradox redesigns hope you all enjoy!
(with transparent and red background)
We have:
Sonic T. Hedgehog
Millie "Tails" Prower
Mario Mario

A Riveting Ride at Rosy's (Swapped SSaS)
Rosy <-> Blue
Miles <-> Knucks
Yellow <-> Red
(This will not be used for anything game-wise)

Heard it was FNaS 2 anniversary today so I drew these two little things lol

managed to finish this in time
happy birthday my favorite fnas game!!

I made these drawings of Nightmare Amy and Vampire Nightmare Mario!!
(I made these 2 drawings weeks ago!)

The Rules have been updated, i'm deciding to get rid of the rule forbidding people from sharing all-stars and maniac mania content because I think that's stupid, as long as you don't bring up past dramas within the community you're fine :P

Clone Channel art for April 2024, featuring '00 Golden Sonic!
Remix Collection - March 2024 Update
Welcome to an Unofficial revival of the FNaS Gamejolt Community, the old one was deleted after some unfortunate circumstances.
Five Nights at Sonic's (FNaS) is a FNaF fangame from 2015, made by TheCyVap, the game was made because of a joke comic, and was eventually turned into a full fangame series has formed a large and talented community behind it.
Before posting, remember to follow the Gamejolt guidelines.
NSFW, Drama, and Offensive Content is not allowed and any instance of it will be removed from the community.
Make sure to also post things in their respective channels.
Please do not talk or mention past drama regarding people within the FNAS community.
Do not harass or cyber-bully anyone here.
Five Nights at Sonic's Collection
Five Nights at Sonic's 4 Halloween Edition
Five Nights at Sonic's v2.0 Series
Five Nights at Sonic's Discord Server