Ask the dev in Five Nights In Anime: Reborn

This place may not be for kids...

hey @SassyEX what's your favorite drink?

And there will be a Russian language

hey @SassyEX can you tell me what you think of satanism?

Will their be any new, and unique game mechanics, added to the game, such as another way to say. . . Scary away or defend the guard, besides door, and music box? If you have, Keep detail on it at minimum, I like being surprised! : D

hello @SassyEX do you know Mayhem? And what do you think of this band?

Also Not a question, but word of encouragement, You're work, will put smiles on many peoples faces, and will delight many peoples days, maybe even months with this game, and we're all excited to see it, and enjoy it, not only with ourselves but with you!

@SassyEX If you could give a rough estimate, of how much of the game is complete, on scale 1 being None, And 10 being Waiting for a good time to announce the product, What would you rate it, This doesn't put a finish time date of course!

Be honest pls! :<

how are you? @SassyEX well sorry for the weird question but do they have genitalia?

This a more Family friendly version of the game, right? If not, I don't really care. Just a question!