Dev Status in Five Nights In Anime: Reborn

This place may not be for kids...
We're 10k !!!!!!!!
(Game jolt didn't want to give my verified badge, I applied and such, but there's no response yet, hopefully if I drop some more games it will change some day)
Aight so, according to the polls, the order for the next drawings is the following:
1. Toy Chica
2. Toy Bonnie
3. BB
Do you agree?
88 votes Voting finished

Aight guys so, according to the poll's results (both, the discord one and the GJ one) putting together the votes, the winner is Mangle!, posting the drawing in a moment...
Which Toy animatronic should I draw next?
106 votes Voting finished
Good night, how's everyone doing?, apart from the android port I don't know what to do next as for my FNiA projects, do you guys have any ideas? Suggestions for drawings or something? Love y'all :3