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новая порция котосессии лааль :3

new portion of kitty session lool :3

Дэйв, ты вот так дверь в спальню закрывал?

Dave, you closed the bedroom’s door like that?

шип меня и Дэйва - это мило, признайте))

me and Dave shipping is cute, admit it))

и плюс ещё одни (частично из жизни, ибо ДБТГ из фнф фандома, я за СМЛ не шарю, простите)

and plus another ones (partly from life, bc DBTG from fnf fandom, I do not know SML, sorry)

все днб персонажики (читать статью):

all dnb characters (read the article):

Past past Lyzo, and her twin, Amiel who's dead,,


Sobs, I have motivation, but he moment I wanna make something, it goes away,,

Uhm, so have this video, ig? Idrc, I'm tired rn and I'm kinda avoiding talking to anyone (but my bsf, cuz she's awesome sauce) .

Ended up falling asleep, but since I woke up pretty early and didn't sleep long, I MIGHT be able to go to bed at a normal time tonight, and fix my sleep schedule

Also, here's Akumas dad, past and present,,


How should I feel?


I tried being the demon while my friend was the kid