Off-topic in Gacha Club

Share your Gacha Creations!

Off-topic - If you're here to talk about other stuff with your friends, this is the channel for you! (Please do still follow the rules though.)

Heya Everyone, this post is probably not gonna stay but I got a question for ya.

Do you have a Bunny OC/Sona or are a Bunny Artists like how many are Cat Artists? Bunny Contend Creator works too!!!

If so say hello in the Comments Please!!

у меня такая жиза, когда я делаю персонажа, а он не сохраняется

это баг или нет, но странно

i have such relatable thing, when i make character, and he is not saved

it is a bag or not, but weird

Giving my classic 2022 "NeoN Presents" title screen glow effects.

#1 Title screen with glow

#2 just "NeoN" with glow

#3 Original title screen.

I made the glow effects with airbrush on Flipaclip

Guess what I got :D