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coming soon!
if you have any questions about the game join the origins discord!

boxart.exe scary ooo ima eat your pizza ahhhhhh

Just letting y'all know.


heres a sneak peak for the last day of january!!

wowzers whats this for?? leave your guesses in the comments below, hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications for more epic videos like this!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MY FIRST EVER EXE GAME! But we can't have a birthday without a few gifts!

Sonic.EXE and HELPME.EXE now have 60FPS and Widescreen versions!
and Sonic.EXE has a new 1 year anniversary edition!

by the way this version of x is called pxc.

WOW! sonic.exe origins 1 year anniversary and spawn day today? must be a special day! #spawnday #sonicexe

updated title screen to look more like the original fnas 1 title.

looking for a voice actor to play luigi!

just say the same dialouge from the phone calls in the original fnas 1

if you want the role just dm me on discord and send the voice clips to me, thats all

FNaS DX CC's GameJolt page is up!