Are You Ready For Freddy or are you ready for Gregory™

There's my face reveal I'll probably lose followers but you guys wanted it so here it is

Face reveal anyone? hmm?

  7 votes Voting finished

Welcome Back, So About That Face Thing... You Guys Can

Vote When.

  7 votes Voting finished

Hi Its Been awile, So For Those who picked Face Reveal In This Vote Here -->… metion me In Post so i know you voted. Anyways Heres a sneek peek. Its The Red balloon thats covering me.

Hey Guys and Girls! I wanted to do some art on myself but I want to see if you like a art on myself. So want art on me as a youtuber Kind of think are make a FNAF Character of me?

  3 votes Voting finished

Welcome to the glam rock freddy community community on Game Jolt! DO NOT POST ON ACHIEVEMENTS only i do!

post and share

			lets hit 200,00 members

don't post NSFW

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go follow @TheRealZBonnieXD @PikaStars @IULITM @MaryoGames-Real @TheFrebbyDev @thefnaffan1717 @zoe_sus @ThePuppetDev @realscawthon @DakotaXD

Try post on the right channel you can share even know if it is your gameplay mod roblox this is the right community to post XD


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