out with the old, in with the new, baby! ladies and gentlemen, I am here to cleanse the corrupted land left behind by the green deer. the future is looking brighter than ever

Join the fireside for Game Jolt Got Talent episode #7 with

@ElPichon interview released!

Join the fireside for Game Jolt Got Talent episode #6 with @ElPichon

Welcome to the Gamejolt Got Talent community on Game Jolt!
Gamejolt Got Talent is a show where 4 hosts (Jacorn, Martin Arthur, Stojo, Fazie, Gcan123, and some guest appearances) review games, and interview people from Game Jolt!
We will be reviewing Gamejolt related content. In many humorous, and fun ways, In some episodes, we invite special guest developers to make an appearance, and let them talk about their games!
We will be interviewing some talented game developers. We take fan suggestions, for questions to ask, and people to interview. We will be doing video interviews, and Daylen will keep you updated with his "The Interview With" series!
Stay tuned for more!
Banner by: @MartinArthur
Logo by: @CSBen
Font by: @PeachSoda