All Posts in TRT's Fandom Funhouse
The backrooms
idk. something im working on ig.
Yesterday me,my brother and dad went bowling.
There was a lot of rage.
this is the greatest plannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Who's that fellow pumpkin?
(Video belongs to @FNaW_and_FNaTIEnjoyer and his game five nights at waluigrir's)
Also this is techniclly a teaser so enjoy ig
Also i remade him bc reasons lmao
Lillie Says Some Stuff
Voicelines by nominal dingusagain i own nothing here
Toonshow told me an idea of him and his AUs saying random things, so basically a SALOT. Leave a comment of something you want him or any of his AUs to say. Here's all the Toonshows with their names in the article, hopefully in order.