The Hyper Sloth in GridJolt
Jerry makes the rules, blame him.
Also nice art Alicatdoodle3/SirHampter!
Got nothing better to do on your Sunday afternoon?
Come watch the 69th Art Show on The Grid!
(join the discord link in profile to submit art for next show!)
Found the first trailer @Kiezz0 created for The Grid's discord.
Still amazing for being over 2 years old.
Oh yea, link's still good. ;)
Goooood morning GameJolt!
It's time for the weekend Art Show!
If you didn't submit anything for the week, then join the discord here ( and enter next week!
This week we got FNAF, Undertale, Bendy, and more!
Feeling cute~ might delete later
Happy Thanksgiving Gamejoltians.
May @PandaC reign supreme, and may you all find one small thing to be thankful for this day.
For me, it's me, and it's you.
I'm thankful for myself, for staying strong enough to survive this year, and you, for being you.
You think the @SocialButterflies can get away with chatting all day in their threads?
We know where you post.
We are watching.
We are @PandaC .
Don't choke on it.
(Nice Gamejolt art Maxs.)
Naturally, with the OG's.
Respect, Panda-kun.👏