Harlow Shits in DONTFORGET 3 (Five Nights at Harlow's) Fan Community

Harlow is rapidly approaching you and your post.

I cannot decide if i should be screaming out of rage or crying out of rage, god damn it RickyG.

(I just reposted due i forgot to put community lol)

So ye, I was playing Some mods and ye, This happened, I took harlow with me to the twilight realm, Then he disappeared, Then it appears that he fell into a cave then died, I had the staff of life so I return back harlow, (Don't worry I gotcha soul)
My AI Dungeon thingy for Five Nights at Harlow's.
I am so sorry, @RickyG .

okay we're back with harlow shitposting
salmo i like your art but i'm not going to lie this scared the shit outta me
but what i don't understand is how this associates with final fantasy xiv night ambience