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Reko's theme

Merry Christmas everyone-w-
This song was made to celebrate Xmas
I added lots of playstation instruments0w0

Mirrored murderers p2

Mirrored murderers
Dustnuts : Bankai Sakashima Yokoshima Happofusagari

Insanity sans before and after the fight
X: Gonna give you up :v
Me:Never gonna let you down
X: Never gonna run around
Me:and desert you
Seven:never gonna make you cry
Me:Never gonna say goodbye
Seven:and hurt you
Felix: yes https://gamejolt.com/p/hellip-ufwbtwax
Me:here Egory~ https://gamejolt.com/p/this-is-me-and-that-cat-is-luna-but-it-was-my-sister-cat-who-she-ga-b3xxtkcb
Egor:and Emma look:

Felix: ok.
Egor:Emma is gonna liked this?
me:looks cute but wanna see mine? ^^
Egor: . . .S-Sure. . !
Felix: well then
me:here ^^

Felix: nice
Egor: same
Me:^^ hehe
Felix: welp
Me:Egor do you like cute cats?
Felix: id be surprised if anyone didnt
Me:i love cats but some people do actually hate cats
Felix:yeah some how
Egor:guys look:

Me and dust sans!!!!
Me:Egor want me to remake you on how i see you ^^
Me:i need the code first
Egor: . . .
Me:if you don’t know how i can help you with it^^
Felix: isnt there enough code here already?
Egor:how did I'm and dust looking?
Me:Their good tho and Here egor

Me:*Cuddle* heh felix remember this? https://youtube.com/shorts/v793bcXRoHM?feature=share
Felix: pfft!
Me:poor Jesus
Felix: heh heh heh
Me:”is so satisfying stabbing a Kirby” lol
Felix: XD
Me:Art of Hope ^^

Me:frisk be like:but it refused

X: not that lamp, Emma...
Felix:*backs a little away* ...
X: well, this is my lamp :V

X: I make it be human :v
Me:X i am your lamp
Me:Lamps can have siblings ^^
Felix: heh heh good idea
Felix: but.. I cant do it yet..
Me:you can later ^^
Felix: yeah mostly just cause i dont want to harm dutch's ears..
Me:Literally me when i got my phone updated in undertale in hotland

Me:Alphys be like:Nah bitch
X: Also Papyrus: *join the undernet*
Me:….. (OH SHED! https://gamejolt.com/p/i-think-he-will-suffering-for-eternity-ngl-cktskkzz)
Xain: ......
Me:… (his poor “part”)
Me:Boxie has come for you

X: welp, idk what I must do now... I can't sleep :'v
Me:maybe try draw Moon ^^?

X: breh, my internet can't show me the image
Felix: welp imma go some where else
Me:i can wait until you can see it :^
Me:*Cuddles lot* https://gamejolt.com/p/night-at-grillby-s-event-starts-tomorrrow-join-to-receive-a-fr-huhmrstz
Me:i remember this game little big planet 3
Felix: jeez i havent played that for a year..
Me:wait you played it?
Felix: one of the best games i played
Me:I’m playing it right now
Felix: oh, nice
Me:do you still have the game?
Felix: nope... i dont even have a ps4 after i moved
Me:sad ;-; cause i wanted to play it with you
Felix: that would be fun if i could
Me:yeah i would have wanted to do this

Felix: t-that exists!?
Me:Yup ^^
Felix: h-huh.. and y-you would have wanted to do that?
Felix: a- *Felix.exe has stopped responding*
Felix: fine.
Me:*Snuggles lot*
Felix: *coughs a little*
Me:what wrong!?
Felix: dont have to shout...
Felix: and im fine, Emma
Me:you made me worried
Felix: sorry..
Me:i don’t want my friends to be sick
Felix: same ngl.. but I might be tho...
me:*Hugs felix*
Felix: *hugs Emma* welp
Felix: *hugs Emma more* ^^’
Soguk:I only get sick once a year...and that is a low chance as well :/

S+ on yuumi
Felix: ..headache.
Soguk:There isn't gonna be a day that your body won't feel a pain huh?
Felix: apperently not and I was also bleeding earlier.
Soguk:Bruh -_-
Felix: mhm..
Felix: *slams my head onto a table*
Me:*Hugs felix*
Felix: life hates me some times
Felix: stupid. god damn. voices.
Me:*Hugs Felix close*
Felix: ...... *whispers to self*
Me:*Cuddles Felix lot*
Seven:in case you were wondering, yes, that image is from League Of Legends. yes, i did play a few matches of ranked. yes, i technically only play yuumi support at the moment
Felix: i hate my bro.
Me:i don’t play league of legends and why Felix?
Felix: well even tho its just a little dark my brother gets soo.. scared.
Me:not really his fault for being scared of the dark and Hope ready for school XD

Felix: looks nice
Me:look at her socks
Felix: oh cat socks and I just got destroyed at Uno...
Me:i do like Uno if it with my friends or family if it with a Stranger i don’t know i wouldn’t say Uno at all
Felix: oh same
Felix: well time to wait
Egor:guys look:

Soguk:Cool buddy
Egor:thx Soguk :)
Egor:soon I'm gonna make Delta!Sans
Egor:look guys:

Delta!Sans And DeltaDust!Sans!
Egor:Thx Seven :)
Felix: oh you guys still check the communitys?
Egor:guys look:

Murder Time Duo Phase 2!
Seven:both are cool
Egor:Thx Seven
Egor:hi guys
Felix: yk. this place is pretty dead after emma stopped being allowed to chat here
Felix:yep, her mother found out so yeah
Seven:darn (parents these days...)
Egor:so...emma is now can't chat even here..?
Seven:bad news. dad took my laptop away
Egor:so...I'm now...alone...
Egor:guys look:

Heroes Time Quartet!
Seven:i got my laptop back
Felix:yep, Emma cant talk here anymore
Seven:parents these days
Egor:guys look:

Patience Me!
Felix:tm is my bday
Seven:happy birthday
Seven:for the record, i am still alive and well
Egor:guys look:

Me Last breath (phases 1, 2 and 3)!!!!!!
X: P
Soguk: P
Egor: P