general in Happy Tree Friends

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This is one of the most brutal, bloody and merciless deaths of poor LUMPY, because this ghastly/brown BEAR did not show a single drop of mercy towards... LUMPY

Just listen to their screams at maximum volume and with headphones or however you want

¡Sumérgete en una experiencia única con nuestro nuevo videojuego enfocado en salud mental! Descubre la importancia de cuidar tu bienestar mientras exploras niveles emocionantes. Disponible primero en España, Madrid

Petunia HTF my sprites

All about petunia:…

Video made by the exequiel.

This video includes all their deaths and appearances in total and more data and curiosities

HTF my sprites LUMPYS

Sprites made by me

Todo sobre lumpy:…

video created by: the exequiel

Cuddles HTF my sprite

Video all about cuddles and more:…

Video belonging to the exequiel

NUTTY my sprite


All about nutty:…

Video made by The exequiel

Can somewho say why so many people hate "Happy Tree Friends"?

Magic number of members

Saw the newest episode of HTF on Youtube, it wasn’t that great. I was excited an hour ago but I now see that it was a short-lived moment. Yep, it went bland. I hope MondoMedia makes something better than what I just watched on their channel.

I’m so excited for this….YEEE!!

Just two more hours left and I’ll watch this.