General in The Face Enjoyer's Club (face from fnati)


He is so me fr fr (free pics btw screenshot and trim :]πŸ‘)

How would you feel about a custom night game with only variations of The Face?

Happy 9th birthday Fnati!!!!!

The Craft

Both the face and nightmare face pipe cleaner figures

#fnati #nbd #theface #abandonedbygod #art

Cabin Face is love, Cabin Face is life...

Who's gonna be the next one to be in my FNATI LoRA model and eventually suffer from some degree of curse on a very high scale?

Comment. Now.

Any post you or anyone else makes that uses an image I made or uses my FNATI LoRA model, mention me. I would like to see it


Also... Serafuku The Face, Serafuku Oswald and Serafuku Photo-Negative Mickey

How to get and use: Five Nights At Treasure Island LoRA

(Re-made tutorial post)

Well what do you think about the special guest the face