death battle in Air breathers boring community no one cares for

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your best friend.

who will win?

the messed up version of garfiled GOREFILED!


the messed up version of a classic meme TROLLGE!

  3 votes 2 days left

who will win?

the two demons in one body PCX!


the demon in a husk of a sonic body that can transform SONIC.OMT!

  14 votes about 16 hours left

Red vs X thumbnail

who will win?

the flower with a love for tapes DANDY!


the man who trys to sell things PHOENXFINCH!

  9 votes Voting finished

Some OG matchups I made

who will win?

the ghost type pokemon trickster who hides in shadows GENGAR!


the skeliton monster prankster from the underground SANS!

  4 votes Voting finished

sonic.exe vs ben drowend re-make

  5 votes Voting finished

who will win

the guy who drank a 8-ball coke JERRY!


the silly billy who lost his gf YOURSELF!

  2 votes Voting finished

who will win?

the pig looking demon who has killer moves UNCLE SAMCINITE!


the mario looking demon who chases a kid in his world MX!

  14 votes Voting finished