Art! in Inanimate Insanity

Even though the Season 1 Remaster hasn't even been out for a day, I wanted to replicate the show's artstyle for my dear Evil Pickle. Dunno what the eyepatch, bandage or even the night sky will look so I had to improvise. Thoughts?

"Taco relied on you too! And all you did was mess her up!" - Still learning II S2's art style, I've now recreated a scene from Season 1's Penultimate Poll! (And the background is up for grabs, like always.)

It took me a HEFTY amount of time, but to practice II S2 art style; I've made designs for if Pickle betrayed Taco (The second image is just the background if you want to use it.)
im still in disbelief on how good this thing looks...
(art by me, 10mo ago)…

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