vlogging in IRL

What's happening IRL for you?


Just came back from Romics (convention)
Angel dust performed Poison
(Well... a cosplayer was just dancing to the song ofc since they won the cosplay conpetition)

I made some more pictures for ya
I hope ya like them
Sorry that they late
IRL Vlog 2: I'm sick now.. I have a cough now and I have trouble breathing.. I keep sneezing and my voice doesn't sound normal..

Happy Joltober Planters!
A little late I know ^^" But hey it's still Spooky Month so at least I'm not that late
I made some pictures of my trees and I gotta see who I take out of the fridge soon.
IRL Vlog 1: I finished my 1st day of the 8th week. I have a test tomorrow (A Science Test to be specific) and I have like one piece of Homework. (Yes I will do these Vlogs now.)

Back again after years I guess
Now I have to use Mobile Data for 5 days

Our first devlog!
Recording my own voice turned out to be creepy👀
But first impression of Godot, simply gorgeous!
Really cozy engine ❤️
