Submissions in Jack Roleplay: Reborn

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Skin Name: Spider Jack
Skin Description: EW! A BUG! SQUISH IT
Creator/s [PUT YOUR ROBLOX USERNAME]: lukthibby

Skin Name: Jammus
Skin Description: Go find jack
Creator/s [PUT YOUR ROBLOX USERNAME]: lukthibby
Music Name [OPTIONAL]: Preparing for the feast
Badge Name [OPTIONAL]: pizza!
Badge Description [OPTIONAL]: you choose
Badge Method [OPTIONAL]: you choose

Skin Name: Police Officer
Skin Description: Good evening problem what seems to be the officer?
Creator/s [PUT YOUR ROBLOX USERNAME]: lukthibby
Music Name [OPTIONAL]: nil
Light [OPTIONAL]: nil

(Read pinned comment)

After the Raid

Creator: 😐

Description: Xqwlo wkhb irxqg d krph dw wkh idfwrub, wklv zdv wkh dqrpdob'v fxuuhqw vwdwh. Kh'v qrw vdih, kh'v gdqjhurxv. Xqohvv,

Name: Pump

Duh Description: T'was a trick, not a treat.

whothehellmadethisthing: Sagebd

also this is like some halloween badge thing

if you dont want it to be then thats okay aswell