Did You Know? 🍲 in Makania 🔥

Cook the yummeh-est post!
Pinned1 year
Please note that we took the sources of (some of) these facts from Makania's official social medias. Some facts might contains spoilers, so read at your own risk.

Tropes Found in Makania: Alien Princess/Villainous Princess
[Warning: Spoilers Ahead]

Well actually yes! This IS the answer to your confusion on why chicken chop isn't in the actual Western menu. It might look Western itself but it's actually from Malaysia. Kinda why isn't nonexistent in the West but there's it in kopitiam menus

Did you know that some of the locations in Makania is inspired by some items that are considered familiar with Malaysians? Well, take a look on the resemblance!
(Translate the images yourselves)
Source: Makania's official Instagram