All Posts in Five Nights At Freddy's Fan Games

Share your game's or creation's progress. And we'll try to share it!


"They live under the sea..."(WIP)

Maybe a teaser for a possible future fangame, I remembered some old drawings and remembered this idea (2016). The animatronic presented is for another project and only served as a test, what do you think about this idea?

- Alone Studio 2 : The grand-opening - Art Contest -



half of the renders and base game mechanics are done. so demo soon i guess?



Something is brewing by the team
Expect something on the 12/25/24

MISC Screenshots

Introducing Rinify's Custom Night Recoded! This is a full recode of my first ever game, and it is out right now!

ENG: Expectations: Demo to be released in December

Reality: End of December or beginning of January.
PTBR: Expectativas: Demo sair em Dezembro

Realidade: Final de Dezembro ou Inicio de Janeiro.