Fan Projects in Five Nights At Freddy's Fan Games

Share your game's or creation's progress. And we'll try to share it!


Game Page (finally) (read article psl !)

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Woodland Palace's cast staring Roger the Rabbit, Chub the Bear, Winter the Penguin, Dear the Deer, Dandel the Honeybee, Wood the wolf, and Mirage the Magicfox! Seat back and Enjoy the show! Render by @Minireeno2

More roles (so far) and we still needed help! Please comment any posts or check out CastingCalls if interested!……

in the past few months,I am trying to make a game with rough graphics but diverse gameplay. The pictures shown above are all screenshots of 3D model and processed with PS.However, this was risky for me who was new to code,so it may return to tradition.

New game in production


Option 2 won

You all win a full image of Cam 2!!

Dije que revelaria algo de lore, asi que... Este seria como el primer pedazo

[ Lighting Test Reder of SpringBonnie ]