All Posts in The Game Jolt Kitchen - All About Food!

Share anything - deliciously - related to food!

Homemade pizza

I forgot to share this - over Christmas, we had a cookie contest between most of the people in our family. It was neat to see all the different things people made. The prize was the stuffed duck pictured. Can you believe I didn't win?! Still fun tho!

These are my absolute favorite freeze dried candy. It's melt in your mouth happiness. These are so quick in the freeze dryer.

Freeze-drying mini Skittles. They are crunchy and delicious, but not my favorite.

NERD ROPES!! These grow quickly. So much fun to eat and very crunchy..

Still not my favorite tho..

Freeze drying caramel candy. They melt in your mouth quickly.

Not my favorite though..

What do you think would be the best freeze dried? 🤔

Freeze drying caramel and marshmallow fluff. It's a instantly melt in your mouth treat. These took about 45 minutes to freeze-dry.

Have you ever tried freeze dried foods?

What toppings would you choose to put on yogurt bark?

This is what my 11 year old chose for hers.

Freeze-drying 50 lbs of onions to turn into 21.5 cups of onion powder. Including 1.5 cups of caramelized onions powder(Amazing).

Keep on the lookout for my next post :D.

The one video game food that I wish it was real would be a Minecraft cake!! Yes, Nay-Nay knows that someone has made it in real life...and SHE WANTS SOME OF THAT TOO~!!!!

#minecraft #cake #dessert #food #gjasks