Show 'em what you got!
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Welcome to the Juiced (UNOFFICIAL) community on Game Jolt!


Hey there, fellow racer! This is a Fan community for the Racing Game Series: Juiced! Here you can post about any racing game from the series!

But before you start posting, please read these rules;

  1. Be Respectful.

  2. Don't make drama.

  3. If you post art which isn't yours, please credit the OG artist.

  4. Do not Post NSFW/Porn/Gore and other inappropriate Stuff.

  5. Make Posts in the right channel.

  6. You can swear, as long as it's not directed to somebody.

That's it. Hope you enjoy your stay in this community!

See ya on the tracks!

@Silver_Ghost owner
Report A community for over 2 years