Gaming in KUNOLEO

No one leaves the basement.


is this a mistake-


I got a win and i had 17 kills :>


I'm having too much fun with fortnite ;-;

Been working on @fredinator1's new face.

Updated the UI.

All characters will now have a max of 7 Health & 7 Charges (their special move counter thingy)

The boss Health UI thing is the Creator icon.

Also working on remaking assets to Pixel art.

More Info soon :)

@KUNOLEO Crossover canon!

Ao is going to be a playable character!

Also, please support this game!

Finally got around to getting all 3 medals on my savefile. Since this is one of my two favorite games of all time, I'm going to put myself through the grueling task of getting the counter for every ghost to the max of 99- including bosses.

Do we have anyone here on Gamejolt that's looking forward to Dark And Darker?

The demo now has a HTML build so you guys can try it out without having to download the PC version!!

The HTML version is a bit scuffed compare to the other version, some plugins, shaders etc, doesn't work.

For all changes to the HTML version, read article