Da Bambi club it's DONE!
here's the link: https://gamejolt.com/c/bambiclub-qadghh
what do you guys think about a bambi club (from vs dave and bambi)?

Little f artart o i sholdve nto eatn that taicojsirerufdhyugy fgryeyraeyfe t
1- Topic: Don't post anything that it isn't related to little man or ron or bob or idk
2- NSFW: Dont post r34, nsfw things, because, he is a little man, that should be illegal, ya know?! if you do, you will be banned for 1 year
3- Toxicity: Don't be toxic, we want a community withouth problems and just fun, if you toxic, you will be banned for 1 week
4- Have fun!
Especial Mentions:
@LunarianProductions, thanks for being the 100TH MEMBER!
@Drista, thanks for being the 400TH MEMBER!!