KB's Corner in löl

Elite member, speak up!

"Hey KniteBlargh, what do you do on the weekends for fun?"

7,000 followers?! That's super!
You made this happen! Thank you all so much for taking an interest in what I do, and for being the amazing individuals you are. :) Hugs to everyone!
Software: Clip Studio Paint
Music: Background Loop Straight 04 by Zen Man

I painted this as a gift for someone who loves black panthers and will soon undergo very painful knee replacement surgery.
Tools: Clip Studio Paint, two custom brushes, GIMP (minor effects/adjustments)
Process video: https://youtu.be/mx_MobmonbU

Panther Encounter - Illustration Process
I painted this as a gift for someone who will soon undergo knee replacement surgery; he is very fond of black panthers. This isn't my usual kind of thing, an...

My neighbours who own guinea fowl (very entertaining birds), really helped me during a power outage, so I painted this little scene for them, guinea fowl included. x)
Tools: Clip Studio Paint, two custom brushes
Process video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2ftqT78z6g

Guinea Fowl in the Woods - Illustration Process
My neighbours recently did me a big favour during a power outage, and I wanted to thank them, so since they're owners of guinea fowl, I painted this illustra...

Some friends moved far away, so I wanted to paint a greeting card illustration for them (they love owls). I'm hoping it will be a good house warming gift, and memento. :)
Tools: Clip Studio Paint, two of my own WIP brushes
Process: https://youtu.be/4GwgIqNX-9E

Little Owl Nest - Illustration Process
Some friends of mine moved far away, so I wanted to paint a greeting card illustration for them (they really love owls); this was the result! :)Like what you...