KB's Corner in löl

Elite member, speak up!

Some friends brought me a giant basket of beautiful strawberries they picked themselves (どうもどうも!), so I painted this illustration that I'll be sending them on a thank you card! •ᴧ•

Music: elitimesfour - pollux

Here's a little 4-frame fireside animation I made today. :)


Quick process video for my recent comic and the GJ meme template. Nothing unusual here aside from the irony of using the comic as a template to create a comic template. LOL

Music: Kill Bill- The Rapper - DoNotDisturb (Feat. Scuare and Rav)

Such aggression could only mean one thing... They must require a toilet. I will direct them to the restroom.

Based on a true story.


There may be a Game Jolt version of this comic on the way for the community to have some fun with. Shhh, very secret!

I forgot to post the still image of these apple studies I painted the other day! How dare I! >:O



I'm sick... And waiting for more tax papers... So I pretended #AppleApril was a thing and painted some quick apple studies using different methods for each! :D

Music: Saikotik - Waiting


This was a fun assignment. :)

Hope you all enjoy dressing up your posts!

Music: Louie Zong - brain age

Here's a still image of the painting I made for Mar10 Day 2022! Last year I painted Goombario; this time, it's Peach!

The Toad guards aren't very good at protecting Peach in Paper Mario, but they take their jobs seriously, at least... ??? LOL


It's a-Mar10 Day! But I painted Princess Peach. LOL

The Peach segments of Paper Mario were among some of my favourite moments in the game!

Music: Nicky Flowers - Wii Shop Channel Remix (2021 Version)

For any who may be unable to watch the last video I posted, I've given my profile a bit of a makeover; here's the new stuff I painted! :D

And if anyone is missing my old PFP and header, I'm now using them for my gallery community, so nothing's lost. :)