general in Super Mario

Share your Super Mario creations!

I couldn't decide so I will just post the three


so apparently, in google, if your search has the mario related word in it, you will get a ? block where you can click on it

Repost Videos Due to No Audio and Laggy

After a long time of searching, I finally have It!😍😍😍

7 years of getting gems for my wario

get it?


How am I not in this community?!

I'm Literally Notmario!


my new super mario bros u mod is here, link to the mod is on my youtube channel (youtube: pättx)


Little baby Hiru is getting his first haircut after the long growth of his hair over the eyes. Call a barber for a baby memory from his first time before he first came to Flower Kingdom.



Here's Wario's finished piledriver special attack! The only change I need to make to it is the visuals of the trampoline

how many of you are still playing splatoon 1?