All Posts in Nights At Meerks
its finally here, i hope you all enjoy this game, weve been working on this for ages…
have fun
NaM 1 will release on Saturday, keep a look out for it.
If there are any glitches or flaws let us know, I will be able to do patches along the way.
If you've got any ideas or suggestions for the game, just tell us in the page's area. 🍕🍕
Nights at Meerks Ultimate Custom Night is also now in the making, this should be easier to make, so might come before NaM 2 or 3
NaM 1 night 1 almost ready, just gotta add some finishing touches
NaM is finally done! Well, sorta. The code is lookn’ just about ready, now gotta put the new models in 👌!
Meerk the Spy gives some amazing life advice.
NaM2 in the works
Nights At Meerks, whats this wonderful game
Me and some allies are working on creating a game, we are creating a fnaf 1 style game and a sister location style game. We hope you enjoy!