Screenshots in Minecraft Mods

Mods, Clips, Screenshots ect.


I was making concept art / blueprint for my next project, when I decided to make a little art comparing the original blueprint for the Palace Of Order and the actual final product

Which looks better?

  3 votes 14 days left


My 2 most ambitious projects, the Lazarcopter and the Palace Of Order, have both been completed...

And now... I'm planning for something MORE ambitious... A BIGGER project...

A Larger Fortress... A FLYING FORTRESS...

#PalaceOfOrder #22

Done the side and back windows

Almost completely finished the exterior from all sides :)

Also I've completely finished the ground floor interior but I won't show the final product until the upper floor interiors are done as well

Got a new shader installed

Definitely prefer it, the lighting is more soft and eye-pleasing whereas the old one was far too harsh and yellow

Also looks way better than without shaders

The only issue is that it requires more performance but I'll manage ;)


Guess I'll need to up my game when finishing off the Palace of Order

Which I won't do for a few weeks, bit busy with studies ya know 🙃
