Memes in My Little Pony

Friendship is Magic!

Grand theft pony

L̸̉͗E̵̾͐T̸̗̏ ̶̓͋T̸͛̐H̴̅͘E̴̛ DARKNESS ̶́̇C̴̋̚Ȏ̴NSUME ́͝Y̴̊͛Ő̵͇Ǔ̸͋


hi chat

Mothlass, my smol beloved 😭💗 | brought to life by Opal Acorn

Orscina REPLACED by Primcess as Best Pony?

Deadpool vs Twilight


(this is a joke btw, none of us "disagree with the straight ideology", just so you know )
