General in Mortal Kombat

Get Over Here!


Two guest characters I really hope get into MK some day are probably Art the Clown and Indiana Jones, they could do SOOOOOO much with them.

MK Ultimate is 85% off on switch for anybody who wants it. I heard it performs better now and I never tried it on Switch before so why not?

For today's/tonight's #GJAsks question for today's answer's of course, What's MY favorite video game movie??? Well, I got three actually!!! And of course, two of them are both future video game movies!!!! One mascot horror & one sandbox kind of game!!!


womp womp


Them Alien Monster-noids are coming sooner then later!!! Anyways folks, before I end off for today/tonight here, I just want to let you all know about something here!!!!

Name another fighting game where you can play as a confirmed, canonical pedophile.


The mortal kombat announcer sings enter sandman by metallica (ai cover)

2022 Parody Cameo Characters #88 & #89 - Jade & Skarlet (MK11 Version) - Both From Mortal Kombat 11 (Versions #1 & #2) Another late upload!??!?!!!! Come on Jax Justun Studios!!!! Give yourselves a break okay!?!?!?!!! Wait a minute here!?!??!! HOLD UP!!!!!