announcements in Mosaic Gaming Central / The Mosaic Arts

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Progress is still in the works on things, a lot of things had happened the past couple weeks (i.e, I started college). So things have slowed a bit, but I'm still making an effort.

To give an update, my computer just got back a couple days ago (after I got one last fix made on it). So I can now return to my projects, expect the WOS review hopefully this month and then the next TSSH demo a month or two after.

Alright, so I think I should come clean about why updates on this game and things in general have been so dormant.

Someone just turned 21, guess who? premiering in 24 minutes!

Coming 2023...
Happy New Years!Outro Music by Jugebox98 --------------------------------------------Support what I do at my other socials: Discord(Always be in the know on ...


Merry Christmas from the Anti


So you may have noticed I didn't submit the full version of SUBCON.FDS to the second exe challenge, this is no mistake.

Not much of an update to give this time around, development is going fine.