announcements in Mosaic Gaming Central / The Mosaic Arts

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Development is going well overall, nothing to show yet, but plan to in the near future.
So this new game is going to take a bit longer than I thought, in the meantime I will be putting the dev page up for it shortly.
Yes I'm still alive.
A new game will be releasing from me in the near future. And no, it isn't Infiniquest.
That's all for now.
Since it's important that I keep you updated on these games so it's clear that it's still being made, I'll say these two things:
1. I'm still raising money, any patron subs will help big time.
2. I'm working on the game's engine in the meantime.
So yeah.
So I think it's time I finally told you the titles of the two mystery Infiniquest Games as I suppose I hadn't given much info of any kind on it. But the games will have the titles, of The Borises and The Innerlands respectively.

So what are both of these games going to be about?
After considering what ways I could really show why this game is worth your donations, I think it's worth mentioning that in the near future, I'm going to be revealing more info a bit sooner than planned (e.g title, name, genre, etc.). So yeah.