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Playing the piano in basement will make things float. Trust me i tried it out and it worked, jk jk new episode dropped hope you will enjoy it!

Found this interesting BATIM fangame. Should i do a video on it? Sike, already did come and check it out!

Here we are! This is the scariest game I have ever played in 2024! Cannot wait to finish the whole chapter soon ^_^

We all know Source games can give you that feeling of not being alone and liminal spaces, but this mod for Portal takes it to the next level!

This episode right here is the reason I nearly broke my chair.. 2 times! Cannot wait to play more episodes from this game :)

Hello beautiful people! Just casually gonna drop this horror game by @Turnvex right here that nearly gave me heart-attack, but that's alright! ^_^

The face says it all when I saw manpig sleeping in a bed, he is so done for that!

2 videos in 1 day, huh? I made a little compilation of myself in Rocket League, not a high play compilation, but it's something special to me. Hope you'll enjoy it ^_^

Hey hey beautiful people! Coming up with yet another episode of The Great Work custom story, but this time we are going into Cells, one of my least favorite places

Happy New Year everyone (I know I'm late!), after month or so fixing my PC issues, it's finally put to an end! Today we are coming back with some Amnesia: The Great Work Custom story!