Art in Murder Drones Community

Share your creations!

(doodle of MD)
((((Sorry for the wait :/))))

"Are the guests gone, yet?" he asked, pitifully, after hiding in his room during the Christmas party.
He doesn't like strangers, and a whole bunch of them suddenly being in his home was very stressful.

Avoid Christmas 🪦
- Braiden did a second Murder and H avoid the Drones with no care
- Merry Christmas guys 🎄
#murderdrones #murderdronesart #murderdronesfanart #murderdronesbraiden #murderdronesH #murderdroneschristmas #christmasart

I can draw the disassembly drones “X” eyes in the somewhat correct perspective, I can draw shit

Fluzi PvZ Murder Blooms Pixel Art.
Character By @Team-Murder-Bloom aka L30.
(Sorry For Not Posting In Almost 3 Weeks , was busy from my finals in School and enjoying time with my family on Winter Break.)