now_playing in Music

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To ignore what happened today, here's the song snippet!
Xenowarped by EndermanFrey

I know I'm supposed to be on break, but I'm working on music and other things. Let's just say I'm going to return with a bang...
Dr. Robotnik Ring Racers (2024) - SRB2Kart

New instrumental album drops later today!
this one is intentionally strange but feedback is welcomed

Well, I'm a drummer, and you all knew I would have to do this...

This isn't the Valentines Day Thing (Or The Poster) But I'm cooking up some music. Something's Coming!
Little known fact on here, but I'm actually a drummer! Like physical drumset and all! I wish I could post more drum stuff in here but my recording audio is bad and echoey so I never did. Maybe I'll figure out something, idk