sfx in Music

Share music, sound effects and more for your projects!

Sup, I am going to do something extremely similar to what @XenonLeon did but with a twist, when you comment your O.C (there personality and there backstory), I will do both a drawing and a song as well, that is if I get interested in your O.C of course.

Ultraalpha 1.0: Iron Update!

I dare every composer in the F.N.F community to make something like this also tag me so I can see it, thank you.


Code: Pandorum - Penumbra Ft. Snowhite
Code: Pandorum - Penumbra Ft. SnowhitePenumbra EP OUT NOW : https://linktr.ee/discipleroundtable[[SUBSCRIBE NOW for more DISCIPLE]]Get Disciple Merch : https...

Looking for music going from Medieval/SailPunk to SteamPunk/DieselPunk to CyberPunk/Future that a bit more then just background music
Anyone got tips or help?
(this is the time to promote your own music btw)

I just wanna listing to some btw


İ hate Cold İsland

Go see this post from @gwoob jocelyn



In certain places in the nebula there are strange sounds... Are you able to hear them?

Vladimir Cosma - Banzaï Rhapsodie - BO du Film Banzaï
Vladimir Cosma - Banzaï Rhapsodie - BO du Film BanzaïDownload: http://v.blnk.fr/Ay2ssP7hAbonnez-vous sur YouTube : http://goo.gl/556fxWhttp://www.vladimir-co...

Sup again