Share your nerdy stuff lol /JOKE

365 consecutive days learning Japanese

How it is VS How it should be


Let's gooo!

One more trophy to the collection!

(And yes I'm not dead yet)

Half the way there!!!!!!

Fun fact: My favourite game is Sonic Unleashed!! Why am I telling you this? Because we finally got the ps3 working and I CAN FINALLY PLAY IT WOOOO

It’s been so many years and I’m super excited :D!!!!!

Welcome to the @nerdsleaze FAN GROUP community!

The general community is for to talk and if you don’t know what channel to do then put it there!

ARTWORK-Share your art and crafts in the ARTWORK CHANNEL.

IRL-Stuff in real life. Like camping and travel and creations irl show there!

SUPPORT&PROMOTE-Promote your games or other stuff and suppost by saying like β€œGo follow @/Blank!”.

OFFTOPIC-If none of the channels fit what your gonna post, post it in OFF-TOPIC channel.

MEMES-Show your funny things in the MEMES channel

@SleepyKyomo owner
Report A community for over 1 year