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Talk about The Return to Freddy's

Current Progress of The Return to Freddy's: The Emerald Butterfly & direction of how I will be doing this.

i just want to share that i legit had this dream once where lhugueny made a trtf the musical

Torture Bonnie is very upset with you.

Y’all may be wondering why I like the abandoned era, well because I liked the idea, I mean yeah floor 1 was same as the rebooted era, but it was a good concept, that’s why I was so excited for @Foxxy_Games TRTF 5 revival, which was sadly cancelled.

I’m f-

Who up franking they burt rn 💔💔💔🙏

gotta keep the page going somehow it's on life support (still looking for a coder, but have a full preview of the Lockjaw model with the og for comparison purposes)

Switching the map rendering from Cycles to Eevee for faster performance in Free Roam mode, plus a sneak peek at the translation system being integrated into the game!

Harder than your what 🤨

I think TRTF 5 was… okay during the unfinished era